I recently wrote a post praising UPS for adding Saturdays to their regular ground shipping delivery days. That was a good thing.
Unfortunately, they did not stop there.
Now, UPS has informed us that there will be a $24.00 charge added to any packages of 50 pounds or more. That’s not so good.
The stuff we sell is heavy and we certainly want to take care of hard working drivers. Still, setting an arbitrary 50 pound point for adding such a huge surcharge seems really out of line. We require that our warehouse workers be able to lift at least 50 pounds and it has never been a problem.
We split up large orders whenever possible, but sometimes getting under that 50 pound minimum is going to be impossible.
We’ll look for new solutions-smaller “case” lots, split shipments, etc., but we really think that, on top of the 5% price increase that UPS has already rolled out this month, that the $24.00 surcharge is too much.
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