We’ve been pleasantly surprised to see what long life our product tip content on YouTube has. It is great to have a resource where customers can access your content in a no sales pressure zone and where things can be easily shared with others.
Those videos are together in a YouTube channel that features our Good Idea Guys content and it is full of ideas that can make your hands on production tasks a little easier and maybe lighten your day a little. Most of these videos are animations done by a talented animator, Greg Harrison, using characters originally created by a well known nationally syndicated cartoonist, Bill Harrison.
Click here and if you like what you see, please let us know.
Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 N. Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill NC 27517
Voice tel: +1-800-327-4414
Local tel: +1-919-968-0241
Fax tel: +1-800-327-4414
Email sales@harrisonbros.com